your process matters

Strategic plans are critical to keeping teams on track. The secret to strategic planning? Your process is just as important as the end product. We help you develop a long-term vision for success, and a plan to get there. We leverage your team’s strengths and foster internal buy-in every step of the way.

through a window pan you see a man facing a woman and they appear to be in a conversation

diverse approaches

Every organization is unique. For small start-ups, an intimate exercise of goal-setting and action-planning can do the trick. For large organizations, you need to engage internal and external stakeholders in a comprehensive and transparent way. And it matters whether you are trying to stay the course or reinvent yourself. Let us be your partner on the journey. Our strategic planning consulting can include:

  • Identity review and refinement
  • Goal setting
  • Stakeholder mapping
  • SWOT analyses
  • Prioritization
  • Strategies
  • Action plans
a woman's hand is shown holding a pen and drafting a document with goals

Natalie and Hilary really understood us and our values. They were organized, creative and diligent facilitators. They helped us do really ambitious and difficult things, like develop a new vision, mission and values and supported us to prioritize our overwhelming list of projects and opportunities. Spur helped usher WAVAW into an entirely new chapter for our organization. We are so glad we worked with them for our strategic plan.

when to reach out

Strategic planning can seem daunting. If you’re afraid to get started – or got stuck along the way – let us help.

crushing complexity

Large organizations can’t plan in a vacuum. Let us help you decide whom to include, when and why. We can take tackle your comprehensive planning and engagement project, step by step.

planning a pivot

It can be scary to head in a new direction – and even scarier to bring the team along with you. We can be a trusted external partner for your change management project.

updating your identity

Your vision, mission and values should endure. But sometimes you need to become something else. We can help navigate difficult internal conversations about who you are – and who you need to become.

getting it done

Maybe you’ve been busy building a business case or raising capital. After growing your team and building a foundation, it’s time to plan in a new way. Let us help you develop your first strategic plan in ways that foster buy-in, every step of the way.

what we offer

We help you develop a long-term vision for success and a plan to get there. No matter how big or small your team, we can facilitate a process that’s transparent, efficient and effective.

goal setting

All good plans start with a dream because dreams are inspiring. What will inspire you and your team for years to come? Let us help you map your vision for success.

stakeholder mapping

People have incredible power. Who are the most influential people in your organization, inside and out? Mapping your stakeholders can help you identify whom to engage, when, and why.

SWOT analyses

You are your environment. A fresh assessment of where you are and what’s around you can help you refocus. We can lead a review of your strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats.


You can’t do it all. One of the hardest parts of strategic planning is deciding what deserves your attention and resources – and what can wait. Let us help you facilitate these tough conversations with your team.


It’s not a strategic plan without a strategy. Strategy is where you unpack how you will reach your goals, but it can be trickier than you think. We can design strategy statements that are clear and compelling.

action plans

The devil is in the details. To stay relevant, your strategic plan needs to be translated into annual operating and tactical plans. By the end of your process, everyone will know who’s doing what, when, and how you’ll measure success.

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